Friday, January 19, 2007

Charles Moore- "Alabama 1965"

Charles Moore- “Alabama, 1965”

The picture above shows a college student being chased by a mounted policeman in Alabama. The student had gathered with a group of other college students in support of the Selma marchers, they were then attacked by a large mounted posse. I thought this picture was particularly interesting because the college student being attacked is white and the mounted man is also white. This just shows the viewer the pure hatred going on at that time. Some people at that time not only hated black people, but they also hated people that supported black people. I also thought this was a great action shot ( as sick at it is ) because it is right before the student is struck with the baton in the man’s hand. It is a really scary picture because of the fact that it is so action oriented and the student being chased looks so scared. I mean wouldn’t you be scared if a man on a horse was chasing you with a stick?

1 comment:

Worth Weller said...

the photographer had plenty to worry about too, don't you think?